Drawing a word cloud

Below shows a code example that crawls a National Assembly bill from the web, extract nouns and draws a word cloud - from head to tail in Python.

You can change the bill number (i.e., bill_num), and see how the word clouds differ per bill. (ex: ‘1904882’, ‘1904883’, ‘ZZ19098’, etc)

#! /usr/bin/python2.7
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import Counter
import urllib
import random
import webbrowser

from konlpy.tag import Hannanum
from lxml import html
import pytagcloud # requires Korean font support
import sys

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen
    urlopen = urllib.urlopen

r = lambda: random.randint(0,255)
color = lambda: (r(), r(), r())

def get_bill_text(billnum):
    url = 'http://pokr.kr/bill/%s/text' % billnum
    response = urlopen(url).read().decode('utf-8')
    page = html.fromstring(response)
    text = page.xpath(".//div[@id='bill-sections']/pre/text()")[0]
    return text

def get_tags(text, ntags=50, multiplier=10):
    h = Hannanum()
    nouns = h.nouns(text)
    count = Counter(nouns)
    return [{ 'color': color(), 'tag': n, 'size': c*multiplier }\
                for n, c in count.most_common(ntags)]

def draw_cloud(tags, filename, fontname='Noto Sans CJK', size=(800, 600)):
    pytagcloud.create_tag_image(tags, filename, fontname=fontname, size=size)

bill_num = '1904882'
text = get_bill_text(bill_num)
tags = get_tags(text)
draw_cloud(tags, 'wordcloud.png')


The PyTagCloud installed in PyPI may not be sufficient for drawing wordclouds in Korean. You may add eligible fonts - that support the Korean language - manually, or install the Korean supported version here.

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